When you think of emergencies, a dental problem might not be first thing to come to mind. But just like any other emergency, it helps to be prepared! Dental emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere, and you may not have immediate access to a dentist. What can you do to prepare? Carry a dental emergency kit that is easy to use, compact, and comes with clear instructions on what to until you can see a dentist. These kits are also very handy for dealing with common and minor problems too that can cause inconvenience, but do not need a dentist’s intervention.
What should your dental kit include?
- Acetaminophen or painkillers: Toothaches can happen to people of all ages and can be very debilitating. Keep painkillers such as acetaminophen in the dental kit. Follow the instructions given to avoid overdose.
- Topical dental cream: Sometimes an orthodontic wire or a denture will have sharp edges and can cause the inside of your cheek to bruise and hurt. A topical dental cream will reduce the pain and stall chances of infection until you see your dentist. Follow the directions given on the tube.
- A mouth mirror: This is a small mirror that can be put inside the mouth and the inside can be viewed either on a bigger mirror or by a companion to detect the problem.
- Disposable gloves: Dental infection can occur while you are administering self- treatment. This can be prevented by wearing disposable gloves while applying topical cream or using an applicator for temporary filling.
Having a dental kit can reduce your discomfort until you see your dentist; however, remember that these tips do not replace a proper examination and care by a dentist. See a dentist at the first opportunity!