If you are a smoker, take out one of your cigarettes and break it in half. You just saved 11 minutes of your life. Now, take that whole pack and throw it in the trash. Guess how many minutes of your life you just saved? 220! Can you believe that? It’s almost like magic. You just extended your life by 220 minutes in the 3 seconds it took you to throw that pack out.
If you quit smoking tobacco today, you could extend your life by 6.5 years if you have been a lifelong smoker! How many years will your life be cut short if you were to develop mouth or lung cancer?
In order to save yourself from all the negative side effects, quit smoking today and extend your life long enough to spend more time with the ones you love. If you need more resources or would like to quit smoking, contact a smoking cessation program in your town or visit Idaho’s QuitNet.
Sources: Shaw, Mary, and Richard Mitchell. “Time for a Smoke? One Cigarette Reduces Your Life by 11 Minutes.” British Medical Journal 320.7226 (2000). Pub Med Central. Web. 15 Mar. 2012