As we cruise into 2014, it’s time to get out of bad habits and take up good ones. With one day of the new year elapsed, you probably still have time to add an item to two to the self-improvement list.
Most New Year’s resolutions don’t last, though. After two or three weeks of dedication, we start to slide back into old routines and habits, losing the motivation to stick to resolutions. Just like last year. Here are some helpful tips to staying on track when it comes to your New Year’s resolution.
Be specific – Rather than saying, “I am going to eat better” say, “I am going to cook a healthy dinner 5 nights per week.”
Set goals about achieving rather than avoiding – instead of trying to limit your spending, aim to save $100 a week.
Surround yourself with supporters – friends and family are usually there to support you, so try telling them your goals, and asking them for help!
Set realistic goals – being able to see the progress you’ve made will help you stay on track and motivated to reach your goals. If your goals are unreachable you will become discouraged when progress isn’t happening fast enough.
A good resolution related to your oral health would be to keep or start a good dental routine. If you are not in the habit of brushing twice a day, start there. If you already brush twice daily, add flossing once a day or visiting the dentist twice yearly. Keep positive and good luck on achieving your goals this year!