Being fit shouldn’t be a short-term goal – it should be a way of life! Unfortunately, because of our busy lifestyles, exercising doesn’t always seem to make the priority list.
Good news! It’s still warm outside which means there are many outdoor activities that will burn calories but won’t feel like exercising at all. Here are 5 ways to have fun and shed a few pounds along the way:
1) Head to the pool.
Swim solo laps or paddle around with the kids. You’ll be amazed at how many calories swimming will burn.
2) Visit the zoo.
Walking around the zoo is just as good as walking around a track! Plus, your kiddos will have a blast checking out the different animals.
3) Go camping.
Setting up the tent and building a fire will all burn calories that watching TV at home can’t.
4) Go shopping.
Carrie Bradshaw said it best – “Shopping is my cardio.” Nothing beats exercise and retail therapy…all in one day!
5) Plant a garden.
Besides burning a ton of calories, growing a garden gives you homegrown veggies for dinner which is much healthier than eating out.
Here’s one more way to get fit this month – bring your family to FitOne, September 19th-20th. The expo and the race are geared toward building healthier communities through fun, active living.
Delta Dental of Idaho is a proud sponsor of FitOne, so make sure to visit our booth for FREE oral cancer screenings and fluoride varnish applications. Interested in participating? Visit for more information.